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Sound Clips
Unless otherwise noted, all sound clips were created at Synaptic Studios by Gil Namur.

Clip 1

With some help from my great friend Dale, we took his Strat loaded with standard single coils, my Strat loaded with Evans and recorded some examples of  the difference in noise between the two.

In clip 1, Dale held the guitars one foot away from a Fender Eighty Eight amp and recorded the sound of the guitar and amp without playing. The same chord and volume setting was used for each guitar. All the clips are about 10 seconds long. Listen to the difference between the first 5 seconds and the last 5 seconds. 

CLIP 1   Noise Eliminated!!

Clip 2

Ever try playing your single coil pickups next to a computer monitor? Like many other sources, computer monitors give off a lot of RF.  At Synaptic Studios, I have a 21" monitor that I can't get close to with standard single coil pickups. No problem with Evans pickups.

In clip 2, Dale stood between the Fender amp and the 21" monitor. Remember now, the RF is also being picked up by the amp. Again, same chord and volume settings were used for each guitar. Listen to the difference between the first 5 seconds and the last 5 seconds.

CLIP 2    Huge noise reduction!!

Clip 3

Clip 3 is similar to clip 2 except that in this example, we went into my Digitech GSP2101 and then right into a Maki 1604VLZ board. The guitars were held 18 inches away from the 21 inch monitor. As before, the same chord and volume settings were used for each guitar.

CLIP 3   Noise Eliminated!!!
Clip 4

I ( Gil ) recorded the song Hamnjam with my Evans loaded Strat. The solo section in the middle of the song is the E1R in the neck position. The rest of the song is the E1R and E1HL in the out of phase position on the 5 position switch. Note the clarity of tone. This was recorded through a Digitech GSP2101 straight into the Maki board. No amp was used. I have received a great deal of feedback on just how clean the Strat sounds in this tune. Listen for yourself. Of course, I hope you enjoy the tune as well.

High Bandwidth Version 4663 KB .. Song Length: 6:37

Low Bandwidth Version 2332 KB .. Song Length: 6:37



* Fender and Strat are Registered Trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corp.
In no way is Evans Guitar Products affiliated with Fender.

The Evans site is a production of Synaptic Systems Inc.