Nebulas (also called nebulae)

Nebulas are clouds of gas and dust particles spread out through interstellar space. Before telescopes advanced sufficiently to better resolve objects in space, all objects with a diffuse appearance were thought of as nebulas. Many of these objects are now known to us as galaxies or star clusters.

There are several types of nebulas. Click on the icons below to learn about the different types.

Planetary nebulas are nebulas that when viewed through a small telescope can bear a striking resemblance to planets. Towards the end of the life cycle of many stars, they become red giants and cast off material that forms these nebulas. These stars later become white dwarfs

Distance from Earth: 2000 light years
Nebula diameter: 0.2 light years 

Photo source: 
Hubble Heritage Project
Object is planetary nebula IC 418 (The Spirograph nebula )

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