Steady Binoculars page 1

Binoculars, when held steady are a great way to view the heavens. The 4 moons of Jupiter, many star clusters, some nebulas and a few galaxies are seen well through binoculars. The Milky Way comes alive as you sweep through it high in the sky in summer months.

In some ways, binoculars have advantages over many telescopes in that they are very portable and will give you a much wider field of view. Even if you have an excellent telescope, once you have mounted your binoculars steadily, you will keep going back to them again and again.

At left is a binocular holder device my son made for me in high school shop class. (Great job Andrew) It is similar to commercially available units. It mounts on top of a standard camera tripod.

Click on the blue arrow above to see how it will hold binoculars in a way that makes them so easy to use.

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